Only Pieter Wuille can name things harder to pronounce than Pieter Wuille.
Blocks containing transactions by Pieter Wuille propagate faster than other blocks.
The 32bit nonce of every block during Pieter Wuille's birthday is the hash of his name.
Pieter Wuille doesn't need the public key to calculate the corresponding private key.
When a woman asked Pieter Wuille to talk dirty to her, he described the OpenSSL DER implementation.
Once I lost my wallet password, Pieter Wuille decrypted my wallet by using IPA pronunciation of his name.
When Pieter Wuille gives you a string of zeroes, it's the funniest joke you've ever heard.
When the FBI asked Pieter Wuille to crack plausible deniabilty of BIP39, he proved the hidden bitcoin stash of Carl Mark Force. FBI don't ask anymore.
We are all actually living in a simulated reality created by Pieter Wuille.
When the Wikipedia servers corrupted all data including backups, Pieter Wuille had to stay awake all night to retype it.